Top 7 Diet Mistakes That Could Be Triggering Your Severe Migraines

Nov 19, 2018 by apost team

Statistics indicate that approximately 38 million people in the United States suffer from migraine headaches. More than 70 percent of the sufferers are women. The headaches vary in degree of frequency and produce moderate to severe symptoms.

Certain foods have been associated with triggering migraines. Avoiding these foods or combinations of foods may dramatically reduce the number of headache episodes.

1. Aged Cheeses Vozmischev

Blue, Brie, cheddar, muenster and Swiss are some of the many types of cheese that undergo an aging process. The problem lies in the fact that aged cheeses contain a chemical compound known as tyramine. Tyramine occurs when the body breaks down the amino acid tyrosine, which releases carbon dioxide, raises blood pressure and causes a headache.

2. Citrus Fruits

The acidity of citrus fruits has the potential to decrease the pH level in the blood, which can lead to a migraine. The fruits also contain histamine and tyramine, which are known to be migraine triggers.

3. Cold Foods

Quickly drinking cold beverages or gorging on ice cream stimulate the phrenic nerve, which sends signals to the brain and causes a headache. The stimulation may trigger the more severe discomfort of a migraine.

4. Gluten-containing Foods Kozielczyk

Barley, rye and wheat contain the protein known as gluten. Some people have a gluten-intolerance. The symptoms of the disorder might include migraine headaches.

5. Additives and Preservatives

Food processing companies commonly add various chemical compounds to food in order to enhance color, flavor or texture. The additives might also prolong the shelf life of certain foods. The compounds have no nutritional value and may cause migraines in some. Compounds known to be triggers include aspartame, sucralose, monosodium glutamate, nitrates and nitrites. Red or yellow food colorings have also been implicated in some migraine sufferers.

6. Caffeine

Coffee, tea, cola sodas, chocolate and cocoa all contain varying amounts of caffeine. Caffeine is also present in energy-boosting beverages in large quantities. The substance is also used in some types of pain relievers that include OTC aspirin. Caffeine constricts blood vessels, which raises blood pressure while interfering with blood flow. Thus, caffeine may initiate a migraine headache.

7. Alcohol

Red wine has long been associated with causing migraine headaches due to their tyramine and tanning content. However, further studies indicate the problem may also occur when drinking other alcoholic beverages. Beer, sparkling ciders, sparkling wines and certain alcoholic spirits are also migraine triggers. The effects may occur anywhere from 30 minutes to three hours after drinking alcohol.

Additional Migraine Prevention Tips

Besides dietary considerations, there are a number of precautions that migraine sufferers might consider.

  • Dehydration: Becoming dehydrated during extreme exercise or on hot days causes an abnormal amount of fluid loss and an electrolyte imbalance that may lead to a migraine. As such staying hydrated throughout the day is vitally important.
  • Low Blood Sugar: Some people skip meals because they do not have time to eat or desire to lose weight. In either instance, the act may trigger a headache.
  • Vitamin deficiencies: The body requires a specific balance of vitamins and minerals in order to function properly. When the body becomes deficient in B complex vitamins, vitamin D, copper, folic acid, iron or magnesium, migraine headaches may develop. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables solves the problem. Women are especially susceptible during menstruation due to changing estrogen levels. Adding more servings of produce or taking a multivitamin supplement often helps.

What alleviates your migraine symptoms or makes them worse? Feel free to share your experience and start a conversation with friends and family members. Let us know what you think in the comments and show this article to any friends or family you know who suffer from migraines!