This Woman’s Life Has Been Taken Over By Her Addiction To Exercise

Aug 27, 2018 by apost team

Based on our instincts, the human species is well aware that exercise is excellent for their health. Most of us are aware when we aren’t doing enough of it.

Because of our daily habits, which might include working at a desk all day, binge eating junk foods to reduce our stress levels, and sitting in front of electronic devices for entertainment, we aren’t nearly as active as we should be. Although we’re told time and time again how important it is to be fit and active, we still neglect to exercise as much as we should.

Reasons like this are why diseases like obesity, diabetes, and other problems with cardiovascular health are so widespread and prove to be dangerous for the average human. Receiving exercise isn’t just good for getting the beach body of your dreams or burning off your calories for the day. Exercise can be an effective treatment for reducing depression and other mental illness. It can also be beneficial as we age, to maintain our muscle tone and improve our balance.

However, as you probably know, too much of anything is a bad thing. It’s important to take breaks from exercise and allow yourself to have some rest days in order to maintain your fitness level. The most improvement from exercise comes during these rest periods, as your body begins rebuilding your muscles to strengthen them. If you don’t allow yourself to have enough rest from activity, your body doesn’t get to repair itself and can actually become weaker.

In rare cases where you have an extreme overindulgence for exercise, you can develop rhabdomyolysis, which is a condition that rapidly breaks down your muscles, resulting in kidney failure most of the time.

The popular health television show, called The Doctors, introduced the audience to Erin, a woman who is so consumed by exercise that it takes precedence over her entire life. She exercises for up to 8 hours on any given day, an amount that is extremely unhealthy for the average human being. Although her sleep schedule and other aspects of her life are suffering as a result of her exercise routine, she is completely addicted and cannot stop on her own. Erin has become aware of her addiction, which is why she is now seeking help in order to stop. Like with any other addiction, the root of the problem comes from a mental or emotional disconnect with oneself. 

Check out Erin’s story in the video below:

How often do you exercise? Let us know your thoughts about this addiction and pass this on to your friends and family.