This Sliding Coin Brainteaser Is Nearly Impossible Give It Your Best Shot

Aug 04, 2017 by apost team

We are always on the lookout for challenging brainteasers and this one was a doozy! It took us more time than we would like to admit to figure this out! 

There are three pennies and three nickles arranged in a row. The pannies are red and the nickles are green - the goal is to move them so that all the coins are in a row but grouped together. The pennies on the right and the nickles on the left. 

This is the starting point:

Each of your moves consits of moving a pair of adjacent coins, without rotating them, into a new position. if you figure it out, in three moves you should be able to get it to look like this... 

Did you figure it out? No? Give it another go and then you can check how we did it below, but don't cheat before you have tried at least once! 

Here is the answer:

Challenge your friends and family to see if they can solve this brainteaser! SHARE now!