This School Bus Driver's Safe Stop Strategy Is Going Viral And Parents Love It

Apr 03, 2019 by apost team

Did you know that more than 130 people are killed each year in accidents involving school vehicles? This number includes children getting off school buses, getting on them and standing at bus stops.

Most parents with school-aged children are acutely aware of the dangers. Many states have laws on the books and even continue to enhance the regulations and stiffen the penalties.

Still, motorists continue to violate the rules at a staggering rate and more often than not simply by being distracted drivers.

Many parents, bus drivers and school employees are beyond the point of frustration. They demand change, but local jurisdictions have struggled to find solutions that make a real difference.

Some school districts have taken matters into their own hands rather than wait for a new approach to the legislature. One school district, in particular, has authorized its bus operators to position their vehicles at bus stops in a manner that will shield the children from vehicles that illegally pass the bus.

The video in question accumulated nearly 2 million views and thousands of likes in just two weeks! For those who cannot watch the video, here is how it unfolds: The bus driver is approaching a bus stop that is situated across the road on her left side.

As she brings the bus to a stop, she navigates the bus into the oncoming traffic lane at a 45-degree angle thereby obstructing any illegal passers.

It may seem like an extreme measure to some. But it is important to note that this is an area that has been deeply affected by a large number of bus stop-related accidents of late. They are tired of it.

This solution is not foolproof. A distracted driver going too fast could still hit the bus and child. But a driver is much more likely to see a large bus in the road than just a small blinking stop sign.

Should buses be allowed to block the road?

This solution has garnered many different responses. What is your opinion? Do you think the maneuver is brilliant, or do you feel like it creates an even more dangerous situation? Feel free to give us your opinion whatever it is, and if you've had a bad bus stop experience, let us know about it!