This Rescue Group Decided To Fake The Death Of An Abused Dog To Save Her From Cruel Owner

Jun 28, 2019 by apost team

In Egypt, purebred dogs are seen as a status symbol. Many Egyptian dog owners feel the need to exert dominance over their dogs, and there are very few animal cruelty laws to stop them.

Lucy, a one-year-old pit bull, found herself in the care of an extremely cruel owner. He beat poor Lucy every single day. In one unprovoked attack, Lucy's owner kicked her and smashed her skull with a brick. She suffered a severely broken jaw and several other potentially life-threatening injuries. A Cairo rescue group heard about Lucy and tried to convince her owner to surrender the dog. He refused, but they were able to persuade him to take Lucy to a veterinarian. That's when Special Needs Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation, a United States-based organization, stepped in.

The Special Needs Animal Rescue was willing to take Lucy if the Cairo rescue group could remove her from her current situation. A quick-thinking rescue worker told Lucy's owner that the dog died while receiving medical treatment. Lucy was placed on the next flight to New York to start a new life. Local volunteers helped transport Lucy from New York to her temporary home in Pittsburgh.

Escaping her cruel owner was only the first of many steps on Lucy's road to recovery. Her jaw was broken in two places, there were oozing wounds in her mouth and she was unable to eat. The infection in her mouth was so bad that rescue workers said they could smell it from across the room. Lucy was placed on intravenous antibiotics, and an orthopedic surgeon started the process of rebuilding her jaw. After undergoing multiple surgeries, Lucy had to wear a brace so that the bones of her shattered jaw could heal properly.

Lucy's wounds eventually healed, but it took much longer to repair the emotional damage she suffered at the hands of her former owner. Fortunately for Lucy, her foster family was not about to give up on her. They taught her to trust again. Lucy is now living her best life. She was adopted by a loving family in Arizona. She has grown into a happy, healthy dog with a sweet disposition. If you'd like to help dogs like Lucy, visit the Special Needs Animal Rescue and Rehabilitation website.

What do you think about this story? Would you ever consider adopting a dog with a similar past? Let us know in the comments and be sure to spread the word about Lucy's incredible survival story!