This Powerful Vegetable Could Solve All Things Wrong With Your Body

Nov 12, 2018 by apost team

Beets are one of those vegetables that just seems to be there. Did you know that beets are one of the healthiest vegetables available today? They can boost your health in ways you never expected.

These root vegetables have proven medicinal properties that many people are not aware of. They can treat and alleviate many health problems and diseases. Let's look at the humble beet in more depth.

Beets have strong anti-cancer properties that should make them a priority in any diet. They contain anthocyanins which help fight cancer while also giving the vegetable its noted red color. They also have a powerful anti-inflammatory compound, called betaine, in them is known to support a healthy heart.

This vegetable is also rich in a variety of vitamins include B1, B2, B12, and C. It contains key minerals such as iron, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, copper, and potassium.

Eating beets can help to regulate your blood cholesterol, supports healthy liver function, and boosts the flow of blood throughout the body. Beets can also draw toxins from the body and fight off anemia. The nutrients inside can slow down the aging process while protecting the circulatory system. They aid the digestive system with rich sources of antioxidants, cellulose, and pectin. On top of all that, beets also help prevent fatty liver disease.

If you like to work out or are a committed athlete, beets need to be in your diet. They increase stamina, boost workout performance, and improve endurance, making them beneficial to anyone who likes to be active.

The beauty of beets is that you can consume them in many ways. They are tasty whether eaten raw, cooked, juiced, or baked. You can also cook with the leaves of the beet which contains large amounts of potassium. Foods high in potassium paired with a low sodium diet helps decrease the risk of heart disease and stroke by up to 21 percent.

Do you already include beets in your daily diet? If not, are you going to start? Let us know in the comments and show this article to a beet-lover (or hater!) you know!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!