This Mothering Singing A Song To Her Terminally Ill Child Is Both Beautiful And Heartbreaking

Jun 15, 2018 by apost team

When the Tanner family was given the terrible news that their baby had a very rare and terminal form of epilepsy, they were undeniably devastated. While they could have lost their faith right then and there, they decided that their baby would lead the best life imaginable, even if it wouldn’t be for long. 

The young child, Lincoln, suffered from 200 seizures every day but this didn’t stop the family from trying to fulfill his every need and remain by his side.

Abby, Lincoln’s dedicated mother, states that they take a lot of comfort in music on the days that are particularly bad. She says that music has the ability to communicate the things she doesn’t know how to say. She loves to be able to play and sing and it heals her heart to do so. 

While waiting for Lincoln’s neurological care in the lobby of the Duke Cancer Center, Abby decided to start singing and playing on the piano she found. She sang the song “Never Enough,” by Loren Allred. The hospital staff started to record her as they were amazed at the beauty of her voice. 

After the video was uploaded to the Facebook page of the hospital, it quickly went viral. 

Abby was surprised to hear that the video of her playing and singing had gone viral. She stated that she didn’t even realize other people were there when she started to sing to her baby. 

Lincoln can hear when his mom talks and sings to him and you can clearly tell he loves listening to her sing. Abby and the rest of the family are doing what they can to make the most of the time they have with baby Lincoln. They are committed to giving him all of the love and care that he needs. 

Abby keeps everyone updated on Lincoln with her Facebook page. She shows off beautiful pictures and shares stories about him and her other children. 

Her goal is to connect with parents who have terminally ill children. She wants them to know that while life can be difficult at times it is important to always keep your faith. She and her family are determined to make the most out of Lincoln’s life. 

Check out this beautiful video below and see why it went viral so quickly! 

What did you think of the video? Were you as moved as we were? Be sure to spread the word to your friends and family of Lincoln's inspiring story!