This Is Why You Should Let Your Dog Sleep In Your Bed

Oct 09, 2018 by apost team

Some people never question whether or not to let their dogs sleep in bed with them because it’s a given that they will. They love to cuddle up with their pups and couldn’t imagine sleeping any other way. Other people are a little more hesitant to go that route and choose to have their pooches sleep on their own.

So, which way is the best way?

Technically there is no right or wrong choice here. It's really more about personal preference. However, having your pup in bed with you has a ton of benefits, some of which you may have never even thought of!

1.) They Are A Cure For Insomnia

Are you someone who has a hard time sleeping at night? Maybe you struggle with falling asleep, or perhaps staying asleep is where you go wrong. Tossing and turning all night can leave you grumpy and tired. Most people who struggle with insomnia have tried everything under the sun hoping they can get a decent night of sleep. 

In truth, the solution to your problem may be laying at your feet right now! A Mayo Clinic study showed that having pets in bed actually helped their owners sleep. There are many reasons why pups can contribute to good sleep, so it's worth a shot if you need some help in this area.

2.) It’s A Great Way To Spoil Your Pup Katie

If you love your dog like a child, it's easy to spoil them. Maybe you take them on extra long walks, shower them with fancy toys, splurge on organic treats, or sneak them table scraps. Whatever it is you do, there is no question that you are spending a lot of time and money on them. Why not let your dog snuggle up in bed with you for a no-effort-required spoil session. Dogs love to cuddle and, let's face it, you do too!

3.) Dogs Alert You Of Danger

Most dogs will alert you if there is any sign of something amiss. You will likely feel safer and actually be safer with your dog in the room with you. Think of your pup as an added layer of security.

4.) It Keeps Your Dog On Your Schedule

Dogs are the ultimate companion. Wherever you are, your pup is likely there too. They can’t get enough of you. If you are not a morning person, sleeping with your dog may convince him to sleep in with you. Instead of getting woken up at dawn by your pup, you may get to enjoy some extra shut-eye. That alone is worth it!

5.) Your Dog is Adorable In Your Bed

There is simply nothing cuter than your sweet furry friend under the covers with his head on your pillow like a human. Just think of the photo opportunities you will miss if you don’t let your dog sleep in your bed with you!

What do you think about the topic? Do you know someone that doesn't let their pup in bed with them or can't decide whether to do it or not? Send this their way!