This Is Why Empaths Are Allergic to Fake People

Aug 23, 2018 by apost team

Even if you don't realize it, you know at least one empath. These are people who are emotional sponges, able to take on how another person is feeling almost instantaneously. They are able to detect body language to the point that they can feel if you're sad even if you're doing your best to hide it. However, while empaths are emotional, they're definitely not naive. If you try to mislead an empath, they're going to catch it.

Strong perception

Empaths have an almost-telepathic gift for figuring out what someone is thinking or feeling. They might not be able to read your thoughts exactly, but they deduce your intentions, even if you try to hide them with a smile. Dishonesty or insincerity sets off red flags for empaths. They can become insulted knowing that their understanding disposition has been exploited.

Need to protect themselves

The road to self-acceptance for empaths is a long one. They can grow up believing that there's something wrong with them because they feel so strongly. Over time, they will hopefully grow to accept their empathetic nature and see how it can be a gift. Empaths cherish their positive relationships with understanding people. For someone to be a phony around an empath means they're going to contradict everything an empath stands for.

Can't stop being empaths

Telling an empath to stop caring is like telling someone with a food allergy to just eat something that will kill them. The biggest burden for empaths is not taking on the emotions of others but living in a world where their qualities are seen as undesirable. Someone who's content with misleading people is going to be completely incompatible with an empath.

Need to love themselves

Empaths need to value themselves. When someone tries to influence an empath through deception, they can second-guess their value. Instead, they need to be around people who understand them and their needs. They don't have to be empaths, but they need to be willing to understand the empath perspective.

The more we listen to and learn from empaths, the more we can appreciate the important role they play in our society. With more empaths, we can come to more peaceful solutions to conflicts by better understanding the emotions people deal with. We encourage you to show this article to anyone you know who is an empath or is particularly sensitive.