This Is What You're Addicted To According To Your Zodiac Sign

Nov 06, 2017 by apost team

Do you have an obsession that you just can't seem to break? Perhaps it's because of your horoscope sign! According to the stars, we predicted what you're addicted to. Do you agree? 

Since Aries is an impulsive sign, Aries is obsessed with writing updates and sharing photos on Facebook.

Taurus is too practical and responsible to develop bad habits, but they definitely can't resist satisfying their sweet tooth. 

Geminis are a curious type who are always updating their wardrobe with the latest styles. 

Cancer is emotional and always lovesick and ready for a relationship, but they don't always attract the best people.

Leos are not afraid to admit that they think they are the best, so they are addicted to creating the illusion of a perfect, glamorous lifestyle on their social media accounts.

Hardworking Virgos need their coffee to function and keep their analytical minds working!

A great majority of us are addicted to our phones, but Libra depends on it to avoid confrontation. 

Scorpios aren't ashamed to admit that they love the Kardashians, since they are a passionate and stubborn bunch. 

Sagittarius has a love for the outdoors and is highly adventurous, so traveling is their personal form of obsession. 

Capricorns are natural leaders and are responsible and disciplined workers who may be dedicated to their job a little too much. 

Aquarians are independent free-thinkers with a huge imagination, and books allow them to escape to a new world. Good luck tearing them away from a good story.

Pisces are sensitive and gentle, therefore they are addicted to sleeping. They depend on their beauty rest to escape their emotional stress.

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