This Is What It Looks Like When I Finally Give Up On You

Oct 31, 2018 by apost team

It’s hard to give up on someone you care about and have invested your time and energies. When all that you give so freely isn’t returned, however, it’s impossible not to eventually give up, right? Here’s to that moment of saying goodbye to a toxic, unhealthy, and unappreciated relationship.

This Is Me Giving Up

Why do promises come so freely from your mouth, but they’re never kept by your actions? It seems so easy for you to break them time and time again as I stand by your side. How do you so nonchalantly distort the truth and spew lies so easily straight to my face as I’ve stood willing to believe you?

All while I’m building bridges to reach our goals, you’re carelessly setting them afire. You’ve turned what should be a paradise into a desolate wasteland. Yet, I’ve still been here in the open to give you support through the warmth of my love. Where are you? Why does your support and love turn frigid, run, and hide to leave me alone and cold?

Despite never getting answers to those questions, I stayed. I believed in us. I fought for us. You were forgiven so many times because I wanted us to work. I held on to the scraps you offered now in hope of getting your all eventually. No matter how harsh the turbulence became, I truly believed that love would keep our course righted and we’d escape this wasteland together. Eventually never came, though. You never changed.

I’ve bent over backwards to make you happy and us whole. I trusted you. From devotion to understanding, I handed you my everything and always held my arms open wide for you. But without you, I would’ve never learned so much about what I refuse to accept.

This Is Me Saying Goodbye

You taught me what a chauvinistic, narcissistic, emotionally crippled person looks like. You prepared me to break promises I thought I’d keep forever. You showed me that your version of love was something worthy of a dumpster, not something to treasure. Best of all, you enlightened me that staying with someone who makes me have so many questions makes me a fool, not patient.

Your love was nothing but a temporary explosion, easily snuffed out without oxygen, and destined to burn away into cinder and ash. I refuse to waste another moment sweeping up those ashes.

I’m finally choosing myself. I will learn to fall in love with a life without you in it. I will move forward, not backward. I’m finally here to say, “Goodbye.” Why? I deserve more. I want everything, not pieces. What I offer needs a companion willing to implement a future with me.

I’m walking away because I will no longer be anyone’s maybe, sometimes, alternate, proxy, nor surrogate. I’m done with our endless drama obsessing my every conversation. I will never again be an instrument for your selfishness to play nor funnel for your neglect.

There will be no more second chances. All my future chances are reserved for someone offering the love I deserve and willing to put forth the simple efforts I’ve asked so many times of you.

My vow to you was once of love and devotion, but now it’s this:

  • I will never call you mine again, and I’m okay with being emotionally homeless.
  •  I will never be a burden, hurdle, or obligation for you again.
  • Hereafter, you will no longer consume a moment of my time.
  • I will never fight for your heart again because it’s a battle I don’t care to win any longer.
  • I will not let the few fond memories of the former us lull me into complacency ever again.
  • The only effort I will make now is to keep nothing but my distance from you.

In this final farewell, know that I forgive you for not cherishing the love I so freely offered you, but also know that the offer is permanently rescinded. I choose all of me and none of you from this moment forward. Goodbye.

Do you feel it’s time to finally give up on someone and walk away? Been there and done that already? Maybe you know a friend or loved one in need of this message? Leave us a comment with your thoughts.