This is The Reason Why You Should NEVER Thaw Frozen Fish In Its Packaging

Sep 25, 2018 by apost team

Find out what you’ve probably been doing wrong when preparing frozen fish from the store. You might be making yourself sick without knowing it. Get the facts so you can save yourself a hospital bill.

The Risks Associated With Frozen Fish

You know those frozen fish cutlets you can get at the grocery store? They usually come individually sealed which is convenient for meal preparation, but it can pose a real deadly threat to you. Botulism isn’t a bacteria of the past. It very well may be living and growing on your frozen salmon and tilapia. It’s really disappointing to know that common mistakes can turn such a nice way of getting eating healthy into a trip to the emergency room.

Botulism is often associated with canned goods and you don’t hear much about it on television anymore. It was once a very common problem until modern manufacturing stepped their game up. The risk you are subjected to isn’t about how it’s packaged, but the way that you thaw it. It’s definitely a serious problem.

The Truth About Botulism

Botulism is the illness that results from being exposed to the bacteria Clostridium botulinum. It produces a toxin that targets nerves. You feel the muscles in your face getting weaker. Then the weakness will spread to your neck, chest, and torso. It can lead to difficulty breathing. Botulism can also be fatal for young children and the elderly. The bacteria reproduces in temperatures above freezing. It is especially dangerous when the environment has very low levels of oxygen.

Harmful bacteria is often anaerobic in nature meaning that it doesn’t require oxygen. The main problem is how air-tight the vacuum-sealed plastic is. Thawing in the fridge isn’t a big deal if the fish has air-flow around it. If you simple remove it from the packaging and place it in an open container, then you won’t be at risk for botulism toxins.

Listeria is another big health problem with improperly thawing fish. It can often be found on foods that have been stored in the refrigerator for prolonged times. Anyone who has a sensitive or weak immune system should prepare foods as soon as possible after thawing. This is especially true for pregnant women, infants, and adults over the age of 69. Don’t store seafood for more than two days in your fridge. Just freeze it when you get home from the supermarket and thaw it out the night before you cook it.

How do you thaw your fish?

Don’t store raw food near cooked food or vegetables. Thaw your fish gradually in temperatures 37 degrees Fahrenheit or less. If you need to thaw your fish quickly, then use cold water. Remove it from its original packaging, and place it into a storage-bag. Sit that in a container of cool water, and cook it while it’s still somewhat stiff. Never thaw anything at room temperature. This tip alone can save tons of people from bacteria toxins and illness.

Are you guilty of breaking these common food rules? Your friends probably are guilty of it too. Let them know the truth and help everyone avoid getting sick.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!