This Hilarious Horse Breed Grows Beards And Mustaches

Jun 04, 2019 by apost team

The Gypsy Vanner, also known as a Cob, is an amazing looking horse breed. Their long, flowing manes and feathery leg hair make them distinctive enough, but the extra hair these horses flaunt is not relegated to their bodies alone. These horses, whether male or female, are capable of growing mustaches and beards.

There seems to be quite a controversy in the equestrian world whether or not these horses should be shaved or allowed to keep what seems to make them a unique breed. Some say the excessive hair is ugly and horrible, and just must go in any case at all. Others find the beards and mustaches rather unique and intriguing, as long as they're on someone else's horse and not on theirs.

Still, most breeders of Gypsy Vanners wouldn't have them any other way. They consider the extra hair what makes them the horses they are; it's a part of their genetic make-up. There is also some folklore that attributes the mustaches and beards of the horses to the owner's good fortune. 

Many owners of this breed take great care in grooming the extra facial hair, making a horse of this breed's appearance less comical and more of what they describe as adorable. Their double manes are often braided, and though more work than a having a horse with less hair, the stylish tresses get a lot of attention, making the added effort worthwhile. 

Well, have you ever seen a horse with a mustache before? What do you think about horses with beards? Let us know in the comments and be sure to spread the word about this hilarious horse breed.