This Heated Argument Between A Man And A Grumpy Baby Goat Has The Internet Cracking Up

Oct 10, 2018 by apost team

Some conflicts in life are just unavoidable. Some people give in to the opposition, some avoid conflict altogether, but others embrace conflict and face it head on, fighting until the bitter end. Not many people have had an argument with a goat, however!

One man had the experience first hand, and they really got into it. You wouldn’t want to get in the middle of this argument!

The man’s name is Sky Garnick, and he wasn’t the instigator--the grumpy little goat got things started. Sky was just wandering around a ranch in Wyoming when the goat started berating him, really laying into him.

As you can see below, Sky chose to take the high road, keeping his end of the conversation polite and kind at the start.

The way the Sky and the goat communicate is comically close to human conversation. The goat begins by bleating at Sky, waits for him to talk back, and then continues on bleating his argument back at Sky! It’s captivating to watch.

The video begins with Sky sitting down with an adorable baby goat by his side who soon starts bleating. It’s quite clear the little guy is not just being noisy for the sake of it, he’s actually bleating at sky! Sky starts to talk back to him gently, but the little goat interrupts him, seeming to begin an argument with him. Then Sky decides to have a little fun with the situation.

Sky started making up an argument, and the goat kept coming back at him for more. One hilarious response was when the goat blew a raspberry at Sky, just like any other kid would do.

Have you ever had an argument this silly? Pass along this discussion to others, they won’t feel so bad about their silly arguments anymore!