This Haunting Cover Of A Christmas Hit Sung In An Empty Cave Has Left Internet In Goosebumps

Dec 18, 2018 by apost team

The world knows Peter Hollens for both his stage presence and beautiful voice that impresses everyone who gets to hear it. When he teamed up with 2 other talented singers to sing their own special version of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen", they left the internet in shock.

The special singers that performed with Hollens were the husband and wife duo, The Hound + The Fox. Their rendition of the song was absolutely flawless and is leaving their listeners with chills upon hearing it. Everyone should hear their version even if they aren't usually fans of Christmas songs. It's a great addition to the songs that we normally hear this time of the year.

Hollens has been pushing his beautiful voice to its limit even before he became a star for in the acapella world. When he discovered the work of the official acapella group of Brigham Young University, he decided that he wanted to take it more seriously.

He was a fan of musicians like Boyz II Men, Rockapella, and The Nylons when he discovered acapella in his high school years. When he began attending the University of Oregon, he was excited about joining an acapella group. That is until he realized that the school didn't have one!

He didn't let this discourage him and he and a good friend started one of their own.

Things just kept getting bigger in his music career and he was essentially unstoppable! He had millions of fans on his YouTube channel and even more views on his videos! There really didn't seem to be a limit for him. 

He hopes to be doing the same thing in 10 years as he loves doing what he does. He hopes to be able to reach more listeners with his music. In addition, he is looking forward to seeing the direction that his live shows will go in the future.

Everyone needs to listen to their spine-tingling version of the Christmas classic and so do their loved ones! Do you have anyone in your life who could use a little holiday cheer?