This Footage Of Soldier Reuniting With The Puppy, He Rescued In War Zone Months Ago, Is Melting Hearts On Internet

Dec 28, 2018 by apost team

Dogs are man's best friend. In every story we've heard of an owner and their dog, this has been proven to be true.

This is certainly the case when it comes to the story of a soldier and his dog. Sean Laidlaw, the dog owner in question, is a 30-year-old soldier that disarms IED's and homemade bombs. This job is certainly one that requires fearlessness and incredible bravery. As a soldier, Sean had seen it all. But on his assignment in Syria, Sean had a blood-chilling experience. In February 2018, Sean heard a shrill scream that he thought to be a child crying. As he went to investigate, he discovered something truly life-changing.

Once he got to the scene, he found that a concrete pillar had collapsed. Upon removing the pillar, he found an Asian Shepherd dog! While the dog was still alive, she was laying next to her siblings that had perished upon impact. As Sean reached out to help the dog, he could see that she was completely traumatized.

For four days, Sean reached out to the dog. He kept her in the area, bringing her food and water. At that moment, the dog was comfortable enough to let Sean carry her.

Sean and his fellow soldiers named the dog "Barrie" because they initially thought they found a boy dog. After her first bath, Sean realized he had a girl puppy. Barrie quickly became a mascot for Sean and his team. Sean's fellow soldiers loved being around Barrie. They were grateful to see her and always brought her toys to keep her happy. As Sean fell even more in love with his dog, he even crafted a bulletproof harness for her.

While Sean was serving his country in war-torn Syria, it was Barrie that brought him unbelievable happiness. She was the guiding light that allowed him to feel like he was living a normal life, even as a soldier. However, once Sean had to leave for home, he had to leave Barrie. Once Sean returned to the UK, the news was even worse. As the war in Syria raged, Sean wouldn't be allowed to go back.

While Sean was happy he could stay on with his family, he was worried that he might never get to see Barrie again. That's when Sean went to get help with warm paws. This UK organisation helps to protect animals in countries that have been torn apart by war.

While they were able to locate Barrie, she wasn't ready to leave the country until she had the right papers. As the months passed, Sean's anxiety increased-- would he ever see his best friend again?

The agony of being apart from Barrie finally came to an end one day in France's Charles De Gaulle Airport. As Sean excitedly and nervously awaited Barrie's arrival, he wondered if she would still remember him.However, these fears were set aside as soon as Barrie landed. Barrie ran to him and sniffed Sean, happy to see her best friend.

At the time Sean found Barrie, it seemed like he saved her life. But Sean was quick to realize that Barrie is what kept him sane--she was his lifesaver.

What a heartwarming story about the true love between a dog and her best friend! Do you have a similar story with your dog? Leave your thoughts in a comment below and send this along to your friends.