This Fast Food Worker Was Shocked By A Note He Received After Breaking Protocol

Jul 19, 2018 by apost team

A fast-food worker finds joy in his job. Find out how he interacts with a little boy who wanted some dessert and how that child's mother responded.

Fast-food work can be hard and stressful, but it can also give people the opportunity to be kind to others. A fast-food worker got that opportunity recently when a little boy came in and wanted to buy some dessert.

It was just an ordinary day for Friendly's worker, Travis. He had no idea that the most adorable little boy was going to walk in and want to buy some of the all-famous custard. The worker said that the little boy was nervous when he came up to the counter, and he scrambled around for money hoping that he had enough to pay for the dessert that he wanted. Eventually, he just handed the worker all the money that he had on him. Unfortunately, he was two dollars short.

Many fast-food workers would have left it at that and simply sent the boy home with no dessert. However, Travis could not let it end that way. He had to do something to put a smile on the child's face. He then reached into his pant pocket, pulled out his credit card, and paid for the child's dessert. At that moment, he saw the brightest smile he had ever seen in his life. He had made that boy extremely happy, and that made him happy for his entire shift.

That wasn't the end of the experience.

Some time after the boy left the restaurant, he came back with a note folded up for the fast-food worker. He handed it to the fast-food worker, and what it had in it was astonishing. The fast-food worker will never forget what it had in it for the rest of his life.

It's always nice to do good deeds for people, but it's especially rewarding to do them for the little ones in the world. The little ones are the ones who need these acts of kindness and favors the most. It gives them a sense of hope and faith in humanity, and it teaches them to be kind to people. You can do an act of kindness from anywhere, any occupation and in any form.

Watch the video to find out what was in the note that the little boy gave to the fast food-worker you will be shocked.

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