This Dad Of Two Gets Amazing Makeover That Renders Him Unrecognizable To Wife And Kids

Dec 19, 2018 by apost team

When Mike Weiss's wife was diagnosed with breast cancer, his singular role as a father figure quickly turned into a dual operation as he took over his wife Rebecca's duties while she focused on recovery.

The couple has two kids together, and Mike spends most of his days making sure that they get to and from school okay while also helping his wife get to all of her appointments.

Needless to say, life has been quite hectic for the Weiss family, and Mike had naturally been putting little effort into his own appearance while tending to such important responsibilities.

The Today Show has a popular segment called "Ambush Makeover", and once co-hosts Jill Martin and Louis Licari heard his story, they knew he was a perfect fit. Rebecca Weiss and their two children anxiously waited as Louis and Jill took Mike backstage and got to work. They carefully cut his curly locks, and got rid of his beard entirely! They also revved up his relaxed attire by putting him in loose-fitting grey suit that was complimented by a novelty necktie. As Mike was escorted out, his wife and kids stood blindfolded awaiting his reveal. Once they were able to see the incredible outcome firsthand, they were nothing short of amazed. Rebecca even mentioned that it reminded her of how he looked when they first met in college.

Mike and his family weren't the only ones surprised with an extravagant makeover. Louis and Jill picked a man out of the audience named Ron Madden to join them on stage. Ron had recently overcome cancer himself, and he was joined by his daughter Kate who couldn't wait to see the results. As always, the beauty team certainly did not disappoint. The reveal showed Ron with a clean haircut, a deep blue blazer, and without his wired spectacles. Kate was absolutely thrilled with the results, and the happiness radiates through both of their smiles.

The American Cancer Society reports that approximately one in three of us will deal with cancer within our lifetimes. The road to recovery is undoubtedly exhausting and tolling on patients and caretakers who find themselves facing a recent diagnosis.

Acts of compassion such as the makeovers given to Mike and Ron show how far empathy can go when you reach out to those in need. Reach out to your friends as well by gifting them the chance to read such an incredible story of unity.