This Church Invites An Average of 225 Homeless People To Sleep There Every Night

Sep 12, 2018 by apost team

Did you know San Francisco is America’s most expensive city to live in? If you want to live comfortably in San Fran, you'll need to earn at least $123,000 a year. This sizable figure is even more than you would need to live in New York for instance. Needless to say, the cost of living in San Francisco has left a large number of people homeless. Thousands of homeless people have become desperate and some of them have turned to a life a crime.

However, hope is not lost. There is one courageous church that has decided to do something about the increase in rent, crime and homelessness.

Rent prices in San Francisco are an average of $3,500 per month. People who can't afford this have literally been priced out of their homes. Now they live on the streets with little access to food, shelter or clothes. These harsh realities are hard to miss once you leave the swankier areas of the city. To paint a picture, the living conditions are the equivalent of being in a third-world country.

Now you may be wondering about the number of homeless people we’re talking about. Well, there are currently more than 7,000 homeless people living in the crime infested slums of San Francisco. This staggering number places San Fran in the national top ten of homeless population. The fact that most of these homeless people are located in one area has led to a wide variety of problems, including health and sanitation issues.

The Gubbio Project has been trying to help the homeless community of San Francisco by providing safe locations to sleep. They currently have two locations that house 225 people per night. Guests can receive the assistance they need without being required to sign in.

The organization just wants to help homeless people get back on their feet.

Want to get involved? Check out the video below to learn more about this amazing project:

This video really puts life in perspective because it's important to be grateful for what you have today and not take things for granted. There are a lot of people in the world who are less fortunate and could use our help. If you know anyone who should be more grateful for what they have, just tell them about the homeless people of San Francisco. We need to spread the word and help out as much as we can.