This Baby Born At 22 Weeks Has Adorable 'Graduation' From Intensive Care

Sep 19, 2018 by apost team

After entering the world at 22 weeks' gestation, Cullen Potter was a tiny fighter weighing in at only 13.9 oz. His mom and dad were told by their previous hospital that he had only a two percent survival rate due to his early arrival but the Potter family knew that their baby boy had to be given a fighting chance.

After calling 16 hospitals in three different states, the family found a hospital in Mobile, Alabama willing to take on the Potter’s early arrival.

Molli Potter was placed in a Pensacola hospital three weeks before pre-maturely giving birth to baby Cullen due to complications in her pregnancy. The Pensacola hospital gave the couple a grim outlook on their baby’s health, giving him a minimal survival rate and predicting a life of disabilities if he were to survive.

After extensively calling hospitals, the Potter’s found USA Women’s and Children’s Hospital in Mobile, Alabama who were willing and ready to assist in caring for severely premature births.

Cullen was born via emergency C-Section and immediately placed into the care of the Mobile hospital’s NICU. The family endured five long months of Cullen being in the NICU and rejoiced the day he became a “graduate” and was allowed to come home. Cullen left the hospital in good health and his weight has increased to 5 pounds and 11 ounces!

After five months of caring for Cullen, the NICU nurses developed a relationship with baby Cullen and his family. To help celebrate Cullen’s successful NICU graduation, he was dressed in a tiny graduation cap and gown. No matter it had to come from Build-A-Bear due to his tiny size! Nurse Jewel Barbour escorted little Cullen down the hospital corridor to the appropriate Graduation March. Elated hospital nurses and staff lined the hallways to watch the tiny miracle’s impromptu graduation ceremony.

Check out the video to see for yourself:

Let us know your thoughts on our tiny graduate and his uplifting story of survival! And pass the heartwarming story on to your friends and loved ones.