Things To Remember Every Day

May 25, 2018 by apost team

Some days we wake up and don't want to leave our beds. Instead, just lie there, not knowing, not understanding what we are precisely feeling. And this state of uncertainty makes us overthink about everything in life, often leading to a terrible mood, waterfalls of tears and stress.

However, sometimes we confuse a bad day with a bad life. And we start focussing on our flaws, weaknesses and our mistakes in the past, which never really solves any problems.

To be honest, it's hard to find any person without a problem. Everyone has a set of obstacles to deal with! Now if life is unfair to everyone at some point in time, can we agree that life is fair then? If you can solve a problem, isn't that a good thing? And if a problem has no solution, then why to bother yourself with it in the first place.

Sometimes you don't have control over things, and you feel stuck. It's important to remember at those times that there is nothing really that you could do.

We often get so sucked into our daily struggles; we forget to smile. We forget to appreciate the beauty around us. We forget the importance of what we already have. So here are some things that you should remember, every day. Treat them as daily reminders and look forward to a quality life.

We are all broken, that's how the light gets in. - Ernest Hemingway

If you keep comparing yourself to others, you are not making the most of the person you really are!

If you want something you never had, you have to do something you've never done. - Thomas Jefferson

Fear is there for a reason. It is a reminder of what you can overcome.

You are going to be okay but maybe not in the way you planned to be, maybe better.

Opportunities are most often disguised as problems. And the ones who persevere can easily tell the difference.

Do you know a friend who might need a reminder of how awesome he/she is? Send this and remind them that they are stronger than they think they are!