There's A Giant Lavender Labyrinth In Michigan And The Photos Are Breathtaking
Jun 09, 2019 by apost team
Who wouldn't want to get lost in an enormous aromatherapy maze? Hiding in Michigan there is a labyrinth of lavender that is both absolutely stunning, and a total treat for the senses.

Cherry Point Farm and Market, located in western Michigan just outside Grand Rapids, has an enormous lavender labyrinth that will blow your mind and treat your nose.
Cherry Point, traditionally a cherry orchard, also grows delicious treats such as apples, peaches, asparagus, and raspberries. The lavender labyrinth, their newest attraction, is free to visitors.
Looking at the Instagram photos of this place will seriously tempt you to make the trek, regardless of where you're from. The garden contains 36 beds of herbal plants, including culinary herbs and medicinal herbs.
If you love herbal treatments or want to learn more, (or just, you know, love beautiful gardens) you absolutely need to check it out. Cherry Point opens the garden specifically to help teach visitors about herbs and gardening.
If you plan on making the trip to see the lavender while it's in bloom, you only have a few weeks. From mid July through early August the lavender reaches full bloom.
But don't worry!
The brilliant folks at Cherry Point designed the garden to have blooming plants from late May until the first frost of the season. Visit early to see blooming chives, the first plants in the garden to flower.
What do you think of this beautiful garden? Let us know in the comments - and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family!