The Science Behind Why Bald Men Are More Intelligent, Manlier, And Overall More Successful In Life

Jul 19, 2018 by apost team

Young men always hope to have hair as thick as George Clooney, but usually that's not the case. Instead of despairing over imminent hair loss, science is here to tell you why bald men are the most appealing mates!

A study conducted at the University of Pennsylvania in 2012 had a lot of interesting findings about how women perceived men with different hairstyles. As it turns out, bald men appeared to be one inch taller than their true height and were viewed as the most dominant men without being overly aggressive.

Hollywood Plays A Role

Maybe bald men can thank prominent bald actors like The Rock, Bruce Willis, and Vin Diesel for demonstrating that bald men can still ooze sex appeal. This study reported that bald men were viewed as more manly and strong.

Participants were shown various pictures of men. Each man in the succession was shown with hair and without hair. Even though nothing changed about the men except for the hairstyle, the participants found the bald man as more attractive.

Researchers at Barry University also wanted to learn how baldness impacted others' perceptions of maturity, intelligence, honesty, and attractiveness. Overall, once again, bald men were viewed as the more appealing mate than a man with hair.

Participants believe that bald men seemed to be more mature, responsible, wealthy, and dominant. All of these characteristics are very attractive because, for thousands of years, men possessing these qualities have been able to provide all the resources women needed to raise healthy babies.

While these findings don't prove that men with full heads of hair aren't physically attractive, women are drawn to more than just an appearance. Dr. Muscarella, one researcher, said, “There is a large body of literature that shows that although women like physically attractive men, they are also very attracted to signs of high social dominance.” While luscious hair can certainly attract female attention, it's hard to compete with other men who appear to possess more attractive qualities.

Men who haven't gone bald but chose to shave their head are attractive as well because they are perceived as bold. Seth Godin, a bald and very successful entrepreneur, believes his baldness makes him a better businessman. Godin is in good company, too. Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, and Steve Ballmer, former CEO of Microsoft, are also bald.

If you're just starting to bald and are still feeling unsure, take the leap.

It is worth noting that these studies were conducted with completely bald men. Men who had patches of baldness were perceived as weaker and less attractive. If you're a balding man who is afraid of letting his hair go, maybe these findings will give you the courage to embrace a completely shaved head! You might discover that you love the way it looks.

Do you find bald men attractive? Be sure to survey your friends by sending them this article!