The Real Heroes Of The Maternity Wards Aren't The Doctors, It's The Nurses

Oct 11, 2018 by apost team

The immediate aftermath can leave us weak and physically vulnerable.

The real heroes of the maternity wards aren't the doctors. They're the nurses.

The delivery of a baby is one of the biggest events of any woman’s life. However, the aftermath typically leaves new moms weak and physically exhausted. The baby is out, the cord is cut, and friends and family are there celebrating the new birth. 

After the excitement is done and the doctor is off somewhere else, it is the nurses who stick around. They are the ones who are there for the new moms, every step of the way.

The owner of the blog Baby Rabies, Jill Krause, posted a recent thank-you on Facebook aimed at the nurses who take care of the new mother after the birth of their babies. 

She remembered the post-delivery shuffle to the restroom, the one where you are so tired and sore after giving birth, you almost don’t know what to do. Leaning against your nurse is crucial as you make your way to the toilet, and you realize in that moment that your nurse is really an angel.

She talks about how she will never forget the nurses who helped her into the bathroom after she had her babies. The way they treated her so kindly when she was tired and scared. She praises the way they took care of her with respect and dignity.

Along with the post was a beautiful picture of a nurse assisting a new mother in the bathroom. The post stirred up thousands of memories from mothers all over the world. After being shared more than 40,000 times, the post brought in more than 4,000 comments from mothers who were all eager to share their own experiences in the delivery room and after the baby was born.

Comment after comment talked about how wonderful the nurses were when they needed them the most. The first couple of hours after your actual delivery are full of exhaustion, pain, and confusion, which is why you need a nurse then more than any other time.

One commenter told the story of how a nurse grabbed her phone right after her baby was put on her chest. She took photographs without being asked to of the new mom and her boyfriend holding their brand-new baby.

Another commenter posted about how her nurse helped her clean up in the shower after a long labor and C-section. She said that as she stood there so numb and in pain, the nurse took over for her, a memory she will always cherish.

Krause mentions that while we may not know our nurses personally, they are a huge part of our time in the hospital and deserve a ton of recognition. While we also appreciate our doctors, it is the nurses that stay after and help with all of the little things we need to do after the baby is out.

We love our nurses and hope you do, too! Did you love this post and feel the same? Please feel free to spread this post on wonderful nurses!