The Reaction Of A Wild Horse Reuniting With His Long Separated Mate Is Spectacular

Dec 17, 2018 by apost team

There's nothing more touching than two lovers reuniting. Two horses experienced the joy of being reunited after a long separation and a chance that they'd never see each other again. At a horse sanctuary in Oregon, two horses found their way back to each other. The story began in October with a stallion named Goliath.

Goliath was running freely in Wyoming in the company of his herd and mate, Red Lady. As the horses ran together, they were suddenly corralled by the Bureau of Land Management(BLM). They were all herded together to a holding area.

While the BLM attempted to round the horses up, Goliath knew he had to protect his herd. That's when he began to charge towards a BLM helicopter to try to protect his family. Clare Staples, the president and founder of the horse sanctuary Skydog Ranch, explained how deep the family bonds are for horses. This was the reason Goliath charged; he thought his herd was in danger and he had to do what he could to keep his family safe.

While it may seem unthinkable as to why anyone would separate these horses, the issue is quite complicated. The reason the BLM rounds up horses is to free up space for cattle ranchers' cows, as well as to allow mining companies access to the land. The horses are then transferred to sanctuaries or put up for adoption.

While this may benefit the cattle ranchers and mining companies, it leaves the wild horses at a disadvantage, and at times, torn from their families. In some cases, these wild horses are never purchased or sent to a sanctuary. Instead, they are auctioned off and sent to other countries to slaughterhouses.

Goliath was one of those horses whose future was uncertain. Confined to small quarters, Goliath was now separated from his mate, his family, and no longer able to roam freely. The BLM sent Goliath to a Utah holding facility as the mares, along with their children, were sent to other facilities.

These horses were up for adoption or confined to permanent holding facilities forever. Either way, they would never be free to roam the wild together again. Fortunately for Red Lady, one woman purchased her and took her back to Colorado to live. However, the owner soon discovered that Red Lady couldn't be tamed and that she was having Goliath's child!

As for Goliath, Staples wanted to give him a home at the sanctuary. Skydog started to raise funds in hopes that they could adopt Goliath. Fans of the courageous horse donated to the cause to ensure that Goliath could come to Skydog. Even if the rescue for Goliath went through, Staples knew she couldn't rest until she reunited Goliath with his family. She spread the word that Skydog was hoping to bring Red Lady and their mare together again.

Thankfully, Red Lady's new owner heard about the plan to reunite the horses. She reached out to Staples to share that she wanted the horses to be together again, too. Red Lady's owner sent her to the Skydog reservation, hoping that the plan to adopt Goliath would come together. Terrified the plans would fall through, Staples, along with every other Goliath fan, was shocked that they won the bid!

All the donations came together and allowed them to grant Goliath his freedom and return to his mate. Once Goliath made it to Skydog, he knew he was home. He ran freely into the snowy field and jumped around filled with pure happiness. Then, just as things couldn't get any better, Goliath was surprised with Red Lady. Goliath had run off towards the horizon and immediately turned around when he saw Red Lady.

Though it had been six months since the two horses were last together, once they were together again, it was like they had never left each other's side. Immediately, Goliath ran the half mile that was between the two horses. As the two horses reconnected, Goliath placed his nose on her belly, as if he was acknowledging that she was carrying their child!

After the two reunited, they were inseparable. Staples says that Red Lady constantly puts her nose on Goliath to make sure that he is still there. Then, he puts his nose on her belly. Now, Red Lady's pregnancy is going well and she will give birth during the spring. Goliath will be by her side, now and forever.

Staples couldn't be happier. Calling this reunion a "dream come true", Staples is beside herself at how both horses, and their child, got such a happy ending. After the story went viral, other fans and followers of this tale couldn't agree more. Sharing how excited they were that the two horses found each other again, readers left comments like "beautiful!" and "thank you for reuniting them!" Check out the video right here:

This incredible story is truly a testament to the power of true love! What did you think about this love story? Leave your thoughts in the comments and pass this heartwarming story on to your friends and loved ones to spread the love.