The Most Terrifying Bridge In The US Is Giving Motorists Panic Attacks

May 07, 2019 by apost team

The Chesapeake Bay Bridge in Maryland is quite the architectural wonder. Stretching 4.3 miles over the Chesapeake Bay, this bridge is known to give motorists a good scare every now and then. At its highest point, the bridge reaches 200-feet tall. It is no wonder that many drivers are hesitant to cross it!

In addition to the towering height and proximity to the open water, the bridge also has extremely low barricades that only add to its fear-inducing properties.

Ten people have lost their lives crossing over since the bridge opened in 1964.

One of the recent deaths happened when a semi-truck driver was blown over the side of the bridge and into the water. Although the accident took place during a storm, there were no weather restrictions put in place on the bridge during the time of the incident.

Many travelers say that this bridge is responsible for causing panic attacks. One entrepreneur has even made a business out of helping people across this giant.

The owner of Bay Bridge Drive-Overs said that he makes at least 25 trips per day over the bridge, assisting drivers who do not make to make the white-knuckle drive themselves.

Check out this video so you can see for yourself why many motorists call this bridge the scariest one in the country.

Are you brave enough to make the trek across this monster? You may change your mind after you watch this video. Be sure to spread the story to everyone else that you know to see what they think about crossing this crazy bridge.