The Mail Won't Stop Coming After Veteran‘s Daughter Campaigns To Get A Birthday Card For Lonely Veteran Father

Jan 06, 2019 by apost team

When birthdays come around, they are usually a happy time for most people. We get to celebrate with our friends, we get presents from family, and all of the attention seems to be on us. But we have to remember that others can be less fortunate than the ordinary person. Some people don’t have a lot of family, friends, or loved ones to celebrate their special day with.

Birthdays and other holidays can be extremely painful for those who are usually left alone on these days. But thanks to the amazing invention of the internet, one special man’s birthday was made even more outstanding with the help of his daughter and some strangers.

Duane Sherman is a courageous man who served in World War II. The veteran actually earned a Purple Heart for surviving a special mission in the year 1944. He served in the Navy and was the lead sonarman on his specific ship when suddenly they were struck by a kamikaze plane. 30 of his shipmates serving in the Navy were killed, but he miraculously survived the situation.

When it was time for Duane’s birthday, he shied away from the topic and decided that it shouldn’t become a big deal. It’s just another day! Since many of his friends and war colleagues have passed away and he doesn’t have much family left, these days just don’t seem as special to him anymore.

But then his daughter Sue decided that she wasn’t going to let his special day pass without special treatment. She contemplated a plan to make this birthday one to remember. She then realized that the only pieces of mail her father ever received were bills and junk. That’s when the idea struck her.

One month before the day came, she logged onto her Facebook and decided to make a post offering her dad’s address to strangers who would like to send him a birthday card. She felt like receiving a couple of cards in the mail and an appreciation of his service in the military would make him smile. But when the day came, they were overwhelmed by the outpour of love that they received. 

You won’t believe how many letters Duane received! It just goes to show how one small gesture can change someone’s entire world. What do you think about what Sue did for her father?