The 5 Best New Year’s Resolutions And How You Can Actually Accomplish Them

Nov 27, 2018 by apost team

As the end of the year quickly approaches, it is time once again to start drafting our new resolutions for the coming year. Next year is the year that things are going to change!

With the fresh start that 2019 brings, we can leave the mess of 2018 behind as we look forward to all the good things that are in store: a better life, a better body, and being a better person overall.

However, despite our best-laid plans, New Year's resolutions often start strong but eventually fizzle out. Not this year. This year will be different. This year, you're going to accomplish your New Year's resolutions by transforming your mind to think SMART. 

By being SMART, you'll make resolutions that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. These five steps are all you need to ensure you stick with your resolutions throughout the new year.

1. I Need To Lose Weight

All you need to begin your new fitness journey is the right motivation. Once you pinpoint the "why" of your weight loss resolution, you'll have a reason that drives you to stick to your goal.

Another way to stay on top of your fitness is to sign up for a class or start a daily fitness routine like Zumba, jogging, yoga or something similar. Don't forget to take into consideration the type of food you are eating as well.

This plays a huge role in your fitness endeavors. Be sure to supplement your time in the gym with a healthy diet. Opt for low-calorie, low carb, and zero sugar options of your favorite foods.

2. I Want To Spend More Time With My Friends

Want to have more time to spend with friends? Go for it. Take the initiative and start organizing get-togethers with your friends While you can plan something extravagant, like a night out on the town, you can also do simple activities like invite a few friends over for dinner.

Additionally, try to get most of your tasks accomplished as early in the day as possible. That way, when you are finished with your work, you'll have more time and energy to spend on your friends. 

Another way to see more of your friends is to plan your hangouts around your to-do list. Need to run an errand? Have to go to an after-hours work event? Consider taking a friend with you. By multi-tasking with your social hour, you'll be able to get more done while having more friend time as well.

3. I Need To Sleep More

We all need a good night's rest. However, when most people get settled for bed, they often end up wasting minutes or hours scrolling through their phone. If you hope to get more sleep in the new year, now is the time to start honing in on better bedtime habits. Get used to shut off your phone an hour or more before heading to bed.

This will allow your mind and body to adjust from being on the alert for getting ready to wind down. Moreover, with anything social media related out of your mind, you'll be better able to put yourself at ease when it is time for you to fall asleep.

4. I Will Save More Money

This common new year resolution is easy to say and less easy to accomplish. However, it can be done. Start this resolution off now by taking 20% of every paycheck and putting it in a savings account. Make sure you actually follow through by creating a new account specifically for your savings.

To really kick your saving habits into high gear, consider opening another new account just for any non-essential expenses. These expenses will include movies, coffee, eating out, and anything else.

Another way to ensure you are saving money is to try a year long challenge that encourages you to save a specific amount of money every week. Once the end of the year rolls around, you'll have a lot more money saved than you expected.

5. I Need To Be More Productive When I Work

Your levels of productivity during the day are dependent on how you begin your day. Start your day by setting the intentions and goals that you hope to achieve. Then, allot a certain amount of time to each item.

Additionally, give yourself deadlines to help ensure that you are getting the most work done. Another way you can increase your productivity at work is by turning off social media, shutting off notifications, and just getting down to business.

Do you have any New Year's resolutions that you hope to accomplish next year? Do you have any tips others can follow to help stick to their resolutions? Tell us in the comments and pass these tricks on to friends and loved ones who might need them.