The 14 Most Important Things To Know If You Date A Pisces

Dec 03, 2018 by apost team

Dating a Pisces can be a rather unique adventure. A Pisces can be very private with their personal life. You should feel very honored if you're dating a Pisces. This can be one of the deepest and rewarding relationships you can have. There are some things that would benefit you to know when it comes to dating a Pisces. Here is a list of 14 things you need to know.

1. Priorities are Hard

A Pisces is the one that's always there for you. This means they are also the rock for others too. It's hard for them to say no, especially if they know someone needs help. Be ready to struggle with not always being in 1st place.

2. Mood Swings

This isn't an intentional thing for a Pisces. A Pisces is very sensitive and will actually take on other's emotions. If you're mad, they'll be mad. If you're angry, they'll be angry too. It doesn't matter to them if it was their fault. They feed off of your emotions and unknowingly mimic them. This can make ending an argument a little difficult.

3. Alone Time

Because Pisces are very emotional, they'll need time to decompress. Most of them already have a plan in place for their alone time and are very happy being there. It's nothing personal. They simply need to be alone. It's very important to give them this space. They need this time to recharge for you and everyone else.

4. Flirting

It's very easy for a Pisces to connect with others. They are very charming without knowing it. They don't even realize they are doing it. They don't think they are flirting. They think they are having a fun conversation that's light on both ends. Instead of accusing them of flirting, tell them how you feel when they are giving someone else more attention. This will go a lot further than an accusation.

5. Broken Promises

Because the Pisces is a dreamer, this can lead to broken promises. They'll dream up these unbelievable romantic ideas and trips. Unfortunately that's simply all they are, just ideas. They want to do these things but when it comes down to actually putting the effort in, it doesn't always work out.

6. Decisions

Decision making is hard for a Pisces. They tend to feel with their heart a lot but can be very logical. They may want to take you on that romantic trip but their bank account says otherwise. This can lead to an inner struggle for days before actually making a decision.

7. True Emotions

Pisces tend to hide their emotions. If you want to know their true feelings, you may have to call them out on it. Without a strong person pulling out their emotions, you may never know how they truly feel.

8. Wasting Money

This is the sign where you'll see there is no hesitation to show how they feel through gifts. But, even after the relationship takes off, the spending doesn't stop. It's very important to start from the beginning letting a Pisces know what you want or don't want money spent on. This could save some arguments later.

9. Dream World

Pisces love to dream and escape reality. This can be good to a certain extent. Watch out for extreme escaping such as alcohol or even drugs. This kind of escape will only lead downhill.

10. Leaving the party

Parties are not usually for a Pisces. They don't enjoy being around drunk people or loud music. This is an environment they can't control and it simply stresses them out. Be ready to show up and exit soon from a party with a Pisces.

11. Says No to Gossip

Pisces don't like drama and especially don't like talking about it. They strive to escape this kind of mess so don't even think about trying to share this with them. If they feel that you like to start drama or gossip, they'll drop you in a heartbeat.

12. Not an Adrenaline Junkie

A Pisces likes to go to museums, cafes, and walks. They prefer more of a relaxed type of relaxation. They like activities where you can talk and relate to each other. You usually won't see them bridge jumping to skydiving.

13. They Seem to Self Pity A lot

Since a Pisces likes to be alone and live in a dreamworld, they often do struggle with the reality of what life really is. They don't understand why their life isn't what they have always dreamed it would be. This can eventually begin to really put a damper on a relationship. Be honest with how you feel and how things can be just a fantasy sometimes.

14. Says No in the Bedroom

A Pisces wants that emotional connection. Don't look for a Pisces for a fling, it's just not likely to happen. They can be very romantic but don't think about getting kinky. You're not likely going to get more than some promiscuous underwear and dirty talk. Anything more may be out of their comfort zone.

Is this an accurate depiction of a Pisces? Have you ever dated a Pisces or are you one yourself? Let us know in the comments and pass this on to friends and loved ones who are Pisces, too!