Tennessee Twin Sisters Go Into Labor Ninety Minutes Apart On Birthday

Nov 11, 2020 by apost team

We have all heard stories of twins and their uncanny, seemingly supernatural abilities. 

And Tennessee twins Autumn Shaw and Amber Tramontana — who both gave birth on their birthdays just 90 minutes apart on October 29, 2020 — go to show that there may be something to that.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

Identical twins share the same genetic makeup, which makes them closer than any other set of siblings. Although a common misconception, there is little evidence proving a hereditary component to having identical twins, according to MedlinePlus.

Fraternal twins, or two separate zygotes with two separate placentas, however, are hereditary. Though they do not have matching DNA, they share a womb with their siblings and can be opposite sexes.


Sister Moms

Amber and Autumn are sisters and moms. Having spent most of their lives doing things together, it just seems natural that the girls would end up entering motherhood together as well.

According to Fox News, they were pregnant with their sons at the same time — both of whom are now two years old. They attended nursing school together, as well. 

A Master Plan

Unbelievable as it may sound, the sisters never planned on getting pregnant at the same time, and came as a massive shock for both of them. Sadly, Autumn had a miscarriage less than a year before the birth of her daughter, according to Metro.

It was a very painful time, but she told the outlet that she can see God's plan now — the bigger picture. She says it was not planned by the sisters and not by chance that this happened, but by God's will.

When Autumn realized a few months after the miscarriage that she was pregnant again, she immediately told her sister. Amber had shocking but amazing news herself – she was pregnant, too! That's not the best part, though.

A Birthday to Remember

Having someone to go through pregnancy with is a God-send. When it's your best friend and twin sister, it's even better. The girls couldn't believe it, and they discovered something even more remarkable as the pregnancies progressed.

With Autumn's recent miscarriage always in the back of their minds, the sisters were obedient in checking in with each other. They were a bit leery and wanted to make sure they were both healthy and safe.

Soon, they would discover the most thrilling part of the whole ordeal. Both women shared the same due date – October 29, 2020 – which happened to be Autumn and Amber's 33rd birthday! 

So, would their babies end up being their ultimate birthday gifts?

Considering due dates are rough estimates based on pregnancy lasting an average of 40 weeks, it's unlikely that the baby will be born exactly on the date predicted. In fact, a 2013 study in Australia found that only about five percent of babies are actually born on their due dates.

Additionally, many factors like the baby's sex and mother's health, for example, determine when the baby is to arrive. For both Autumn and Amber to give birth on their exact due dates would be nothing short of a miracle.

A Miracle it Is!

Well, something uniquely special was about to happen at Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center in Knoxville. Their doctor, George Vick, was as stunned as ever. He hadn't seen anything like this in over 40 years of his practice. He had seen Amber on October 28, and it appeared she was in the early stages of labor.

The next day, Autumn arrived at the hospital and was "ready to roll." Dr. Vick called it a "miracle" in an interview with Good Morning America after Autumn delivered sweet baby, Charleston, and Amber delivered adorable, Blakely, just 90 minutes later that same day.

The sisters' rooms were next door to each other. Amber and her husband could hear a faint cry once Charleston was born. Her husband knocked on the wall in a congratulatory gesture. That gesture was returned by Autum's husband 90 minutes later when Blakely arrived.

Four Birthdays in One

Well, there should certainly be no forgetting of birthdays for these four ladies! The sisters and cousins will forever be bonded by that day. Can you imagine the celebration they will all be having every year? Party time!

Indeed, the cousins will grow up to be as close as their mothers are. Their birthday will forever bond them. Personally, we are all up in our feels now and think this is just the kind of uplifting story we all need to hear these days.

So, let us know what you think of Autumn and Amber's fantastic delivery of Charleston and Blakely. Has anything this miraculous happened to you or in your family? Don't forget to pass on this story to anyone who could use a smile!

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