Teething Baby Is Constantly Fussy Until Mom Figures Out Genius Trick

Feb 05, 2018 by apost team

Parents know that babies are fussier than usual when they're teething, and sometimes it feels like there's nothing they can do to help. A baby's gums become sore and swell when a new tooth is pushing through, and while they're are teething toys designed for babies, sometimes all it takes is a little inventiveness to help sooth your little one.

Mom Emelia Jackson tried thinking outside of the box to help relieve her son's teething pains, and came up with a totally genius trick! 


Emelia figured out that adding water to her baby's pacifier and freezing it kept her son content and satisfied. It also helps that this is his favorite "binky" so he gladly accepts it every time. It's absolutely brilliant! 

Many people applauded Amelia's solution and even shared that they do it themselves, but other's were not so receptive to her advice. 

Emelia updated her viral Facebook post to let people know that there was no way for her son to ingest the freezing water, and that she holds him and monitors him when it's in his mouth. Other moms agreed that this is a good method, and just requires watching your baby closely.

What do you think? Do you consider this a safety hazard, or is it necessary to calm a fussy baby? SHARE this article and let us know your thoughts!