Teen Drummers Knock Everyone’s Socks Off With Impressive Routine At High School Talent Show

Apr 03, 2020 by apost team

A group of boys from Lake Howell High School participated in their school's annual talent show in 2011 as a drumline called 'Hot Scots'.


One of the most interesting events of the school year is the talent show. Almost all schools have them, and schools that don't have them are certainly missing out. Singers, comedians, and dancers are just a few of the things you'll see at a school talent show. However, occasionally more interesting, unique acts take the stage.

The school in question was Lake Howell High School. During this school's annual talent show there were many great acts, but one act went above and beyond to entertain the crowd. At the beginning of the act, 5 purple drums littered the stage. Five high school boys then emerged from the side of the stage wearing red kilts. What began as a joke turned into a serious performance moments later.


The teens began to play the drums at a near expert level. They were completely in sync with each other, and it became obvious that they put a lot of practice in order to perform their act. This clever mixture of music and comedy ended up winning the talent show's first prize.

With only one winner at the end of the show, these students did what was necessary to stand out from the crowd. Their performance is something you need to truly see for yourself to understand.

Don't forget to let your friends in on this hilarious video.  Be sure to tell us what you think about the performance as well.