Teacher Panhandles For School Supplies, Within 6 Minutes She Makes Double Her Hourly Wage

Jul 24, 2019 by apost team

Teachers are among the most important people in our society, being responsible for educating our nation’s youth and helping give them a positive start in life. Too often, however, teachers are not given the respect they deserve, both in terms of our gratitude and in compensation commensurate with all the work they do for us. Recently, a teacher in Tulsa, Oklahoma was forced to panhandle to get the funds she needed to educate her students.

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Teresa Danks, who teaches third grade at Grimes Elementary School, is like many educators in the United States. While Teresa loves her job and is dedicated to the kids in her care, she must also pay for a large portion of her classroom supplies out of her own pocket. On average, teachers spend about $2,000 to $3,000 on classroom supplies each year, a hefty sum as budgets typically shrink from year to year. To help raise funds for her kids, Teresa stood by a road in Tulsa holding a sign that said “Teacher Needs School Supplies! Anything Helps. Thank You.”


Teresa’s efforts on behalf of her kids soon attracted the attention of the media. Speaking with reporters from Fox 23 News, Teresa says that there is a huge need for additional funds in schools, with costs adding up as time goes by. After spending much of her own money on supplies, Teresa decided to begin panhandling, both out of necessity and to make a statement about the conditions that teachers in Oklahoma have to deal with in carrying out their jobs. Oklahoma ranks among the lowest in teacher salaries, with many educators making under $35,000 a year.

Standing by the road holding her sign, Teresa was able to raise $55 in just six minutes. While Teresa was humbled by the generosity shown to her, she says that it also illustrates the plight of teachers in Oklahoma. The $55 Teresa raised is more than double her hourly wage. Teresa says that she hopes her actions help raise awareness about all the problems the school system in Oklahoma is facing, conceding that in her opinion, most residents do not know of the troubled state of affairs in the state’s schools.

Teresa later asked for help in educating the children of Tulsa. Specifically, Teresa asks residents of the area to donate items like egg cartons, paper towels, and yarn to her class.

What do you think about teachers having to panhandle to raise money for classroom supplies? How do you think states should respond to shrinking school budgets? Let us know in the comments and be sure to spread the word about this issue!