Teacher Cries In Front Of Class – Child's Heart-Wrenching Food Comment Confirms His Harsh Reality

Sep 19, 2020 by apost team

In 2019, Brooke Goins, an elementary school teacher in Tennessee, had an encounter with a student that clearly showed stark differences for kids at home. She then gathered fellow teachers and together all chipped in to purchase food for the student.

Hunger and the lack of food are true problems for many more families than we might think. One little boy recently opened his teacher's eyes to exactly that when he made a casual comment that made his teacher cry.


Brooke Goins posted her encounter on Facebook starting off by saying, “Today I cried at work. Not because I hate my job, or that it is just too hard (it really is). Today I cried for a child, a child who so innocently talked about food, and the lack of it.”

A little boy asked an innocent question, “He asked when the lady that puts food in his backpack was coming.”



Brooke understood it was the guidance counselor who he was waiting for, and she asked him what was in the bag that he liked so much. He made a tiny 'o' with his hand and Brooke knew it was the Spaghettios he was talking about. 

He continued to say, “We don’t have those at my house, but when I do have them they give me a warm belly and help me sleep.” That was the moment when Brooke said she “lost it." She said “I cried in front of 20 little people. No kid should ever be hungry, ever.”

Brooke spurred into action, she messaged her teacher’s group, and they all chipped in so they could donate food to the little boy to take home. But that wasn’t all.

Because of the popularity of the Facebook post, Brooke wrote afterward that the school decided to start a food pantry for their students, as WVLT reports. Food and hygiene product donations are now being taken by Jacksboro Elementary School in Tennessee.

What an incredible movement this little boy started, don’t you think? Let us know and tell the teachers in your life about this heartwarming story.

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