Teacher Asks For Return Of Stolen Calculator, Gets Heartfelt Reaction From Strangers

Nov 15, 2021 by apost team

When a high school teacher from Virginia had her calculator stolen, she was left feeling extremely sad and heartbroken. It was an expensive calculator that she had had since high school, and she wasn't able to afford a new one like it. The teacher was financially struggling to the point that she could barely afford to buy necessities, let alone a new, expensive calculator.

Corrine — or as her students knew her, Mrs. L., — is a previous high school chemistry teacher. She has shown true love and passion for the subject and spends a lot of time helping students find a better understanding of the material.

This is why Corrine was so devastated when it appeared that someone had stolen her beloved calculator, a tool that was important for the class she taught and was a valuable personal item. In an attempt to get her calculator back, Corrine left a note on her classroom's whiteboard instructing whoever took the calculator to give it back. It seemed like she didn't even want to know who took it in the first place; all she wanted was her calculator back with its rightful owner.

Corrine later posted the same message in a TikTok on Oct. 14, 2021, sharing her story with whoever would listen. The TikTok instantly went viral, and Corrine received an overwhelming response from strangers all across the world. The teacher was blown away by how kind and generous so many people that she didn't even know were acting toward her. Read on to find out more about this heartwarming story.

A Surprising Turn Of Events

In an attempt to get her calculator back, Corrine left a message on the whiteboard in her classroom that read:

"To the person who stole the calculator I've had since high school: Please return it. Have a friend drop it off or leave it by the door. My kids need new jackets and shoes, and I can't afford to replace it. Thank you. Mrs. L."

On Oct. 14, 2021, the former teacher posted a TikTok showing the whiteboard message and explained that her story thankfully had a happy ending. Posting an update on TikTok just two days later, Corrine talked about how overwhelmed she was from the amount of positive and helpful responses she's received both in-person from her students and online from strangers on the internet.

Corrine said that many students offered to set up a GoFundMe or buy her a new calculator with their own money. People from all over the world have offered to send Corrine a new calculator as well. However, she explained that she has since become a stay-at-home mom and no longer needs the expensive calculator, and encouraged people to instead send donations to schools in their local areas.

In a surprising turn of events, it turned out that someone had donated two jackets to Corrine to give to her children — something that she had explained she couldn't afford in her whiteboard message. Corrine had nothing but gratitude for the person responsible and explained that there are "thousands of good people to make up for the bad."

Although Corrine resigned from her job as a high school teacher, she still has a huge love for teaching and currently tutors students, according to her Instagram bio.


What did you think about this heartwarming story? Were you surprised by the responses this former teacher received? Let us know, and be sure to pass this along to your family members and friends, too.

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