Talented Girls Sing Incredibly Touching Version Of 'What Is Love'

May 18, 2018 by apost team

Singing a cappella is deceivingly difficult. In today's world of autotuning and processing vocals beyond compare, it feels like a lost art to find voices that can sound good on their own without the assistance of technology.

When coming across voices that are distinct and different, it feels like a release, a refreshing change in pace from the realities of the modern pop music industry. There are such few opportunities to display this kind of voice, though, with a lot of the radio play being centered on dance, electronic, and usually processed music.


That doesn't mean there aren't incredibly talented people still out there, though, who are able to dazzle with their intricately delicate acoustic music.

The BrookeWell trio fits this description well—three girls who have naturally beautiful voices, each different in their own way and ultimately complimenting each other when placed side-by-side in the same a cappella arrangement.

They are a relatively unknown group but have recently gained notoriety through their YouTube channel, where there are videos of all 3 singing and songs from member Natalie Orfilia's career.

This video of them covering Veronika Bozeman's "What is Love" exemplifies this atmosphere best. The trio is in a stairwell making full use of the enhanced acoustics and singing luscious harmonies before breaking out into a heart-wrenching rendition of the song. What is particularly striking is the voice leading and incorporation of snapping later in the video. And when the vocal riffing and solo comes in the last 30 seconds, you'll be shocked at how beautiful the reverb alongside it sounds as her voice echoes throughout the stairwell.

Amazing right? Spread the love and show your friends and loved ones this incredible video!