Stunning Living Sculpture Adjust Its Look To The Seasons

Oct 23, 2020 by apost team

You typically find art only in museums. There you see fantastic works that have not changed for centuries. However, at The Lost Gardens of Heligan in England, you can find art that changes with the seasons and that retains a striking human form. The Mud Maid astonishes all who witness her slumbering beauty.

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The gardens originally sat on the Tremayne Estate, according to their website. For nearly 400 years, they grew, requiring a small army of workers to maintain. However, due to British manpower needs in World War I, the gardens lost their workers and fell into disrepair.

In 1990 work began to restore the gardens. The original attractions, featuring sections representing plants from all over the world, were reborn. The estate also commissioned works of art to be commissioned from the plants found in the gardens. The gardens now exceed 200 acres, making a visit to the gardens an all-day treat.

In 1997, the Estate commissioned Pete and Sue Hill to make the Mud Maid. As you walk the gardens, you come upon what appears to be a sweetly sleeping woman. Grass, moss, and ivy make up her clothes and hair. As they flourish and fade away with the seasons, you see different Mud Maids if you visit at the change of each season.

The Hills crafted the body of the Maid from mud, then encouraged lichens to grow over it to protect the inner structure. The face consists of mud, cement, and sand. Her right hand sits just above her head, giving her repose an extra feeling of comfort.

In the summer, the Maid appears to sport bright green clothes. Her hair appears to grow, giving her face a peaceful, if not slightly happy appearance. In the winter, when her hair has died back and snow partially covers her features, she appears to be in a deeper slumber but still immune from the cold weather surrounding her.

The Gardens only close on Christmas. You can buy meals and snacks there or bring your own picnic. The Gardens offer several designated picnic spots. You can eat and enjoy the breathtaking work of artisans who restored centuries of carefully constructed scenes.

Please let us know what you think of the beautiful Mud Maid. Do you plan to visit the Gardens? If you have, let us know what features you loved the most. Be sure to let your friends know about the wonderful creations at The Lost Gardens of Heligan!

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