Stress Isn't A Problem Of The Brain, It's A Problem Of The Nervous System

Jun 28, 2018 by apost team

When you've been in stressful situations in the past, have you ever wondered why you can't just tell your mind to relax? Well it turns out that stress doesn't come from the brain, but instead the nervous system.

Whenever you face a stressful event and feel like you have no control, your body engages the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for controlling automatic aspects of staying live like breathing. This kicks off a "fight or flight response" by using hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol which are released from the adrenal glands. These hormones were useful for early humans because they help the body suddenly have energy to run away from a predator or a frightening situation. With modern humans, however, our stressful events aren't something that can simply be run away from.

Experts say that this is how trauma is created, when the body has no physical response to a stressful event. To help overcome stressful situations, it is helpful to process these hormones and stress by physically releasing them through crying or screaming. This shows that stress is a bodily response that is beyond an individuals mental control.

Being in a constant state of stress can wreak havoc on the body.

This causes dissociation and hormone release. By understanding that stress is outside of our ability to mentally control, it is possible to be more aware and empowered to deal with these emotional responses.

Instead of staying in a state of fear and victimhood, you can move to a state of understanding and compassion. The body and stress responses can be retrained through activities like yoga, hiking, exercise, deep breathing, mindful meditation, listening to music, and going out and enjoying nature.

Stress isn't something that's within a persons ability to mentally control, so work on other ways to manage your stress and response to it by utilizing meditation, music, exercise, and positive human interaction. This will allow you to lead a more compassionate, empowered, and happy life while moving past previous trauma.

Did you know that the nervous system is so affected by stress? Pass this insightful article on to your friends and loved ones to help them overcome their stress and past trauma.