Steve Martin's Second Wife Is 26 Years His Junior And The Center Of His Universe

Dec 28, 2019 by apost team

It's still far from uncommon to see middle-aged men attracted to young women. For most of those women, dating or marrying a man who is two or three times their age probably doesn't sound very appealing. However, there are a few women out there who aren't bothered by having a boyfriend or husband who is the perfect age to be their father. Anne Stringfield happens to be one of those women.

She's the second wife of Hollywood actor Steve Martin and she's twenty-six years younger than him. Steve Martin got a divorce from his first wife, actress Victoria Tennant, in 1993, after being married to her for only seven years. As the comedian told the New York Times in 1999, the years after the divorce weren't easy for him as his father passed away a few years later, as well as several of his friends.

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After several difficult years, he met and started dating Anne Stringfield. As Vanity Fair reported, they started off talking on the phone for about a year before meeting in person. It is believed that they got married after about three years of dating. Not only did an almost thirty-year age difference not stop them from getting married, but it also didn't stop them from having a daughter together. She's Steve's first and only daughter, and he sees becoming a father at seventy as having real benefits.

"It’s fantastic – you have all the time in the world. You’re all set and secure in life, and you’re not building your career, so you have a lot of time," he said, according to Vanity Fair.

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He thinks that if he became a father in his twenties or thirties, he would've ended up focusing more on his career than his child. He adores both of his females. Steve Martin and Anne Stringfield are certainly not the first couple to be a few decades apart in age. But for them, age really just seems to be a number.

There are plenty of women out there who can tell unpleasant stories of being hit on by significantly older men. But seeing Steve and Anne's story really shows how sometimes a couple with a huge difference in age can work out just fine. Do you have stories of any similarly happy "May-December relationships"?