State Trooper Pulls Couple Over To Give Them Ticket But Switches Gears Upon Learning They’re Heading To Funeral

Jan 29, 2020 by apost team

Too often, when we hear stories about cops pulling over people of color, it usually involves a tragedy. But, this time, we are happy to find one that tells a story of love, compassion, and empathy for one another. Such is the case of this police officer, who while having them pulled over for a traffic violation, in their hour of need, provided emotional support to a couple in mourning.

Lanell McGee James

Our story starts when Courtney James was out on the Dallas interstate and lost his life in a deadly car crash. You see him in the picture above in the red sweater. Broken-hearted that the young man was taken so soon, his brother Lamar (who is in the picture on the right) and sister-in-law Lanell started the long road trip to attend Courtney’s funeral.

Despite driving under the speed limit and not committing any driving infractions, the couple was pulled over by an officer who saw that they didn’t have a front license plate. The state trooper made them stop alongside the road and then went over to talk to them, as can be read in their social media post below.

Trooper Ross Bates asked the couple where they were headed, and Lanell explained that they were on their way to attend her brother-in-law’s funeral. This was when things took a surprise turn.

Trooper Bates expressed his sympathy and then asked Lamar if he knew where his brother was now. Confused, Lamar replied that Courtney was currently in the morgue. The cop told him that was wrong, that Courtney was now in his heavenly home.

The words brought strong emotion to the couple who were touched by the kind statement of the officer. Trooper Bates had to go run their license but, when he returned, he only offered a warning instead of a ticket. The couple was thrilled, but even happier when the trooper asked them if he could pray with them.

Clasping hands, the three of them began to pray. Lanell was so touched by the moment that she grabbed her camera and snapped a quick picture. She wanted to make sure that she could commemorate the powerful image forever.

Lanell decided to upload the image to her social media page so that she could shine a light of hope in a world that is so full of racial tension between law officers and the public. The image has gone viral and people are thrilled that the group was able to share such a touching moment together.

What do you think of Trooper Bates’ choice to pray with the family and offer them support in their difficult time? Leave your thoughts in the comment section below, then invite others to read this touching story.