Spin Class Instructor Makes Gym Members Do Baby Shark Workout

Nov 15, 2018 by apost team

I may not be the most enthusiastic gym user out there. I often find excuses to duck out of the gym early or to just not go at all. I know that I need to get off my butt and work out harder, but I just never seem to have the motivation to move! 

However, maybe I just haven’t found the right gym tribe yet. If I found a group that was enjoying a rendition of the popular Baby Shark song during class, would that help my enthusiasm level at all?


Since the beginning of time, kids have enjoyed silly songs that give them a reason to jump and dance. The crazier the song, the better. When I was younger, the famous song by Barney, “I Love You, You Love Me,” drove many parents to sprout even more gray hairs than normal.

The newest craze today is the song Baby Shark. This song is the brainchild of a Korean YouTube channel known as Pinkfong. This channel was developed to help kids learn through the use of catchy tunes.

The song also spawned a controversial viral challenge in which dedicated fans dress up as sharks and dance alongside moving vehicles.

It isn’t just the kids who are attracted to this crazy song. A gym instructor had her adult class work out to the Baby Shark routine, in a video that has gone viral. The video showed various gym members cycling away while imitating the moves of the famous song.

Since the funny video has gone viral, many people have left comments praising the idea. Some said that they were happy to see that humanity has been restored, while others remarked that they would be interested in going to this class.

While it may seem goofy for some, I can honestly admit that most members of a spin class usually don’t smile as widely as these folks are! You can watch the video here:

What do you think? Do you love the Baby Shark song or are you sick of it? Let us know in the comment section and pass this on to others!