Sobbing Mom Attempts To Control Toddler In Airport Looks Up To See Strangers Rushing To Surround Her

Feb 04, 2019 by apost team

Flying can be very stressful, especially when you're traveling across the country with a toddler.

Nowadays, people have to endure a lot of hassles at the airports. You have to make sure there are no items in your luggage that will get flagged by the TSA, your bags have to be the right size to carry on the plane, there are long lines to enter the terminal, embarrassing pat-downs and other stressors.

For one mom who was traveling with a toddler, this experience became so overwhelming that she broke down into tears. Her young son was having a meltdown and refused to board the plane. The little kid was running around and playing between the seats as if it was a jungle gym at the playground.

It got so out of control that the kid sat on the ground and started kicking and screaming. The mother, who was very visibly pregnant, sat down and began to cry in utter despair.

Luckily, there were some people around who saw how much anxiety the mother was experiencing and displayed some compassion that is somewhat rare for strangers in a public setting.

When the child reached his peak of chaotic behavior, a group of women who didn't know each other banded together to help the poor mom. The fact that she was obviously pregnant probably increased their impulse to help. The women circled around the frantic toddler the way a pride of lionesses might do in the wild, but with peaceful intentions.

A group of about 7 women gathered around the toddler and his mom. One woman began singing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" while others took various actions to comfort the little boy. One woman offered him an orange, another lady gave him a toy and another woman gave the mom a bottle of water. Everyone seemed to know exactly what to do to solve the problem. It was quite a beautiful and heart-warming scene.

One woman remarked that a group of women who put their efforts together this way might be able to save the world.

If this story brightened your day, send a link to your friends. Have you seen strangers act kindly in your own experience? If so, let us know in the comments!