Snoop Dogg Helps The Families In Need, Celebrate Thanksgiving, By Handing Over A 1000 Turkeys

Nov 14, 2018 by apost team

For many families, Thanksgiving is a time to feel grateful and enjoy each other's company. When a family cannot afford Thanksgiving dinner, it is hard to feel thankful for anything. Recently, one celebrity has made the news for giving poor families the gift of an abundant Thanksgiving.

Snoop Dogg Gives Away Turkeys

Recently, Snoop Dogg decided to do something nice for his community. He lives in the town of Inglewood, California. This year, the rapper has decided to spread some holiday cheer by giving people in need turkeys.

His turkey ambitions actually began in 2014. During that initial year, he gave away 800 turkeys to families who were about to go without. The following year, Snoop Dogg gave away 1,500 turkeys. He also gave away countless photos and hugs as fans rushed to greet him.

At one of the annual events, Snoop Dogg took pictures with more than 800 people. The city of Inglewood even set up a tent for seniors to sit in while they waited. As soon as Snoop Dogg arrived, he immediately went over the tent to meet everyone.

Snoop Dogg's plan is to keep returning each year to hand out turkeys and Thanksgiving dishes. Because of his generosity, more than a thousand people each year get to celebrate a true Thanksgiving with their families.

Many of those families already struggled to put food on their table each day. The idea of spending so much money on an expensive turkey seemed impossible. Thanks to Snoop Dogg, that impossible dream is now a reality.

If this story warmed your heart, spread the holiday cheer by telling your friends all about it. What is your good deed this year?