Sly Kitty Breaks Into Pet Store And Goes On A Catnip Bender

Nov 04, 2019 by apost team

One cat who escaped her owner's home wasn't out looking for mice, handouts, or a sunny spot to relax in-she knew exactly where to go for a good time. She headed straight over to the local pet store.

How she got in is unclear, but after sneaking into the store she went straight to the "cat supplies" section. Not to check out their selection of cat treats, either, she went straight to the cat toys, more specifically, the ones filled with catnip. After choosing a good selection of catnip toys, she did what cats do with catnip-rolled on it and played with it until she collapsed in a, well, stoned daze on the floor for a nap.

Cat owners have known about the cat's response to catnip for eons, but it's only recently that scientists have looked into it. There is a chemical in catnip called nepetalactone that binds to specific receptors in the cat's brain according to Scientific American. It seems to induce a state in cats that is similar to that experienced by humans who use marijuana. Interestingly, only adult cats respond to catnip so cat owners don't have to card their cats before offering catnip. Veterinarians say catnip is completely harmless to cats-when they inhale the active chemical they experience a "high" for about ten minutes followed by feeling sleepy. If they eat the catnip, it makes them really sleepy.

Party cat made it home safely. Her designated driver, namely her owner, came by and picked the naughty cat up and drove her home. And now her owner knows what to get Party cat for her birthday—catnip!

Do you have a naughty cat who engages in similar adventures? Many people do. Try discussing this funny story with your friends and see how many of them have Party cats of their own!