Six Natural Dental Solutions To Make Your Teeth Shine Like Never Before

May 28, 2018 by apost team

If the eyes are the windows to the soul, then the mouth is the door to opportunity. Having a great smile goes beyond attractiveness. It’s the first thing bystanders notice about you, and it’s often the basis for their first impressions concerning everything from your cleanliness to the pleasantries of your personality.

Having teeth in poor condition affects your smile greatly. If you’re not confident in your teeth’s appearance, then there are many times you consciously keep yourself from allowing your mouth and face to accurately express what you’re feeling and thinking, giving others an inaccurate impression of you. And, sadly, from nicotine and coffee to irregular dental care, we make a lot of choices in our daily lives that inadvertently harm our teeth.

Thankfully, there are also plenty of relatively simple proactive actions you can take to rid yourself of unsightly dental issues and cut down the need for costly dental work.


1. Natural Teeth Scrubbing

You’ve probably noticed that some toothpaste brands use baking soda as an ingredient in their formulas. But, nothing beats unadulterated baking soda as a scrub. Make a paste with a tablespoon of baking soda and a few drops of water. You can add salt to provide a little grit to boost scrubbing power.   ​​​​​

2. Natural Teeth Polishing

A natural polisher, orange peel is a natural way to gently clean tooth enamel, providing a harm-free shine and whitener. It also helps to prevent stains and remove harmful bacteria. Oranges do have acidic acid in them, however, so so be sure to rinse your mouth out with water after a few minutes of rubbing them down with the orange peel.


3. Natural Teeth Whitening

Activated charcoal can be used as a whitening agent because of its ability to absorb and trap the things around it, which is how it works in poison control. The same is true of teeth, gently brushing with it allows for bacteria and stains to be swept up and rinsed away in the charcoal. It’s abrasive... so do be sure you’re adhering to being gentle.


4. Natural Teeth Cleaning

Looking for for an all natural toothpaste to shine, whiten, and clean safely? Here’s what you need:

  • 1/2 cup baking soda
  • 1 tsp aloe vera gel
  • 4 tsp vegetable glycerine
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 tsp of essential citrus oil, such as lemon.

In between brushings, you can chew on sesame seeds for a couple minutes to remove plaque and remove surface stains before they stick. Rinse your mouth out with water to get any lingering seeds out.


5. Natural Mouthwash

Mouthwash is an essential part of oral hygiene that all too many skip. It’s purpose is to decrease the amount of lingering bacteria in the mouth, help prevent gum disease, and strengthen tooth enamel. It also helps curb dry mouth and bad breath. Vinegar is the quintessential all natural antibacterial mouthwash agent. Dilute one part vinegar in two parts water for a powerful stress-free mouthwash.


6. Teeth Vitamin Needs

Diet plays a pivotal role in teeth health. Make sure your water contains fluoride. Brush away sugary and starchy foods from teeth asap to prevent teeth and gums from soaking in an acid bath. An apple a day keeps the bacteria away.

Consume plenty of calcium and vitamins D and C to keep teeth strong and healthy. Vitamin E and the B vitamins help prevent gum disease by fighting inflammation and bacteria. Vitamin A helps increase saliva production that in turn helps sweep away left over food particles and cut down bad breath. Zinc helps to fight bacteria and plaque buildup.


Did you see remedies here that solve your teeth health needs? Maybe, you have one of your own to contribute? If so, feel free to let us and your friends know your own tips and tricks!