Signs of a Stroke You Should Never Ignore

Sep 12, 2018 by apost team

Unfortunately, many women do not realize the most common signs of a stroke. As people age, the chances of a stroke occurring begin to increase. A sudden stroke can lead to lifelong disability or even death. If you have high blood pressure, use tobacco or eat a poor diet, you are more likely to develop a stroke.

A stroke basically happens when your blood supply is cut off. This causes you to lose your motor control. If the stroke is left untreated, it can be fatal. If you notice the signs of a stroke, it is important to seek immediate medical care. While you may still have long-term complications, medical care will help to prevent complications and keep you alive.

Weakness or Numbness

Many people ignore this common sign of a stroke at first. You are used to your hands tingling in the cold. You have had your foot fall asleep before, so you might not realize that weakness and numbness are a sign to watch out for.

When you have a stroke, one side of your body may go numb or feel weak. This may happen on your face, your leg or your arm. If you look in the mirror, it may look like one side of your face is deformed. This classic sign of a stroke tends to feel like your body is being poked with pins and needles.

If you experience this symptom, do not wait to call 911. As soon as you experience the symptoms, you need treatment right away. Go to the emergency room and describe your symptoms.

Severe, Painful Headaches

Most people think that strokes only happen in the elderly. In reality, young women can also have a stroke. If you use tobacco, experience a lot of stress or have a poor diet, you are more likely to suffer from a stroke.

One common sign of a stroke is a bad headache. It may feel like the worst migraine of your life. This headache is a sign that you need to call a medical professional right away. Make sure to describe your other symptoms so that the doctors realize that you have more than just a simple migraine.

Nausea and Dizziness

Nausea and dizziness are easy symptoms to ignore. You might just think that you forgot to eat enough or are dehydrated. Do not ignore these symptoms. Your body is trying to tell you that something is wrong with your health.

Women may experience these symptoms during a stroke or before they even have serious health problems. If you frequently feel dizzy or nauseous, go to your doctor for a physical exam. These symptoms might be caused by anemia or a minor problem, but they could also be a sign of a stroke.

If you want to reduce your risk of developing a stroke, quit using tobacco products. Stay physically active by walking and exercising regularly. You can also reduce your stroke risk by staying at a health weight. Your stress levels can increase the chances of a stroke, so use meditation or yoga to reduce your stress.

An Altered Mental State

This is a stroke symptom that you cannot afford to ignore. When you experience a stroke, you may feel disoriented or confused. You may become agitated or start hallucinating. The people around you may notice sudden behavioral changes. In some cases, you may also become unresponsive.

If you or someone you know experiences an altered mental state, it is a sign that medical care is needed right away. When you notice someone else showing stroke symptoms, ask them to repeat a phrase back to you. Listen to their repetition to see if they are slurring their words. You will also want to look for changes in their normal personality or behavior.

When you are the person experiencing a potential stroke, do not drive yourself to the hospital. You should always call 911 to get professional medical care. Avoid moving the person until the paramedics arrive. Once you get to the hospital, doctors will conduct diagnostic tests to figure out the problem.

Problems Walking

Another common stroke symptom is problems walking. When you have a stroke, it interferes with your ability to balance. Because of this, you may have problems standing up. If you try to walk, you may keep falling down.

If you think that someone else is having a stroke, look at their coordination. Even normal tasks will suddenly seem impossible. A stroke cuts off the blood supply to the brain, so this makes balancing difficult. If the individual is allowed to walk around, they may fall and become injured.

Fainting or Seizures

Unless you have a medical condition that causes fainting or seizures, this is a clear sign that you need medical care. This overlooked symptom could mean that your brain is not getting enough blood to work properly. If you are suddenly fainting or having a seizure without a clear cause, go to the doctor for diagnostic tests.

Learning the signs of a stroke is one of the best ways that you can protect yourself and your loved ones. If someone has a stroke, they need immediate medical care to prevent a long-lasting disability or death. By learning about these symptoms, you can spot a stroke sooner and get help right away.

Keep your loved ones safe by letting them know the most common signs of a stroke.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!