Sick Baby On Oxygen Support And Her Mom Board The Flight And As They Settle Down In Their Seats, The Stewardess Asks Them To Move

Sep 22, 2020 by apost team

Traveling is hard enough, especially when it is the busy holiday season. Traveling with a sick child makes the trip so much harder.

That was Kelly Zwick's reality when she was traveling on an American Airlines flight in 2018 with her daughter Lucy, who has a condition that requires Kelly to carry a portable oxygen machine with her at all times. After lugging everything she had with her to her seat on the plane, Kelly was flabbergasted that a kind man in first-class chose to give up his seat for her and her daughter. What an incredible act of kindness!

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

For Kelly Zwick, traveling with her children isn’t easy at all. It isn’t just a matter of making sure she has extra cough drops or a cold compress. No, traveling with her daughter Lucy means so much more. It is a process that involves a lot of planning and patience. Around one year ago, Kelly was blessed to have twin daughters. Lucy and Eva came into this world surrounded by some very fearful moments. They were born at just 29 weeks, making them premature.

Because of this, Lucy is suffering from a disease known as Twin Transfusion Syndrome. This disease is a chronic lung disease that requires Lucy to always have a portable oxygen machine with her. Can you imagine having to carry a diaper bag, purse, stroller, bottles, and everything else onto a plane, along with an oxygen machine? We know it has to be pretty difficult! However, it is that time of the year when everyone is trying to do a good deed. Many people are in a jolly mood and want to “pay it forward” to strangers around them.

That is exactly what a passenger on an American Airlines flight did recently after spotting Kelly lugging all of her personal items, along with Lucy, through the airport and into her seat in the coach section. Kelly is permitted to board the plane first, due to Lucy’s illness. In order to get to her seat in coach, she had to navigate her way past the more spacious and comfortable first-class section.

Kelly and Lucy were both in a good mood when they boarded the plane. They weren’t getting on to visit family or friends for the holidays, however. Instead, they were traveling to Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. Kelly was eager to make her fellow passengers comfortable about the situation. In a Facebook post, Kelly wrote that she joked they had to sit near a “yelling-but-happy baby.”

That is about the time that a flight attendant came up to Kelly. When this happens before the plane takes off, it is usually bad news. Maybe you have to give up your seat for some reason, or you may have to face something worse. However, this time wasn’t like that at all. The flight attendant came up to Kelly to tell her that an anonymous stranger had offered to give up his first-class seat to Kelly and Lucy.

Kelly could not believe that she was the recipient of such a wonderful random act of kindness. She said she cried happy tears as she walked up the aisle. She smiled at the man who gave up his seat and thanked him. Now, instead of being cramped in the smaller quarters of coach with her sick baby, they both had the opportunity to really stretch out.

Kelly also stated that she can’t wait until Lucy is old enough to understand what a sweet gesture this was. She said that she promises to pay this random act of kindness forward in the future. Since Kelly posted this heartwarming story on social media, viewers have shared it more than a half-million times. It is great to see a reminder that there really are amazing people in the world who have the ability to put others before themselves. Check out the video to find out more:

What did you think of this beautiful story? Do you have your own random act of kindness to share? Leave it in the comments and then pass this message along to others!

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