Security Camera Captures Woman Using Stranger’s Receipt To Scam Store At Busy Time

Nov 13, 2019 by apost team

The Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office was on the lookout for a woman who used a receipt found in a parking lot to get money from a department store in 2017. Charlotte County is located on the Southwest coast of Florida.

Law enforcement has posted security photos of the woman on their Facebook page in an effort to find somebody to recognize her so that they can hold her accountable for her actions.

According to a spokesperson with the sheriff's office in Fox News, the woman had found the receipt either in shopping cart, in the trash, or the ground. She then walked into the store and found the items on the receipt and then returned them at customer service for cash even though she was not the original buyer.

Customers of the store say that they are surprised that this would happen. With so many security cameras, it is hard for anyone to get away with a crime as brazen as this.

Employees were understandably busier than usual as the start of the holiday season begins to ramped up. Because they are so busy, the scamming woman was able to take advantage of them. The employees were not suspicious of the woman's claim because this has never happened at the store prior to this incident.

You can help authorities catch this conniving criminal by spreading the picture and the story to as many people as possible. We can all band together to stop this type of crime by using the power of social media to hold people accountable for their illegal activities.