Science Confirms You Are A Different Person After Having A Baby

by apost team

While pregnant, most of us will have those panicking thoughts that make us question whether we will be good mothers or not. And we can’t help but wonder if we will indeed still be the same person that we were before having a baby. Some of us who pour ourselves into our careers can’t help but wonder if we will still be as devoted and committed to our jobs as we have always been. These are all natural thoughts that can be scary, but it's right to ponder them.

After the birth of your child, you and your priorities will change. You can’t deny it. Things that once weren't important to you now are. New mom life is entirely different from living a life without a child. Once you move up to having a teenager, it’s completely different than the life of the mother of a newborn.

One of your biggest concerns may be wondering how to move up in your job while focusing on your newborn at home. You may even be thinking about if and how you could simply stay at home with your little one.

Would you have ever thought about staying at home or letting something interfere with your job, before giving birth?

Research shows that many things change when we choose to have a baby. This same research even indicates that the mothers aren’t the same person any longer. Scientific American’s research shows in a 2006 article called "Maternal Brain" that female mammals go through "fundamental behavioral changes during pregnancy motherhood."

A lot of women don’t think they have changed who they are but rather have grown as a person.

They admit that they love differently. It’s less complicated to love your baby. “It’s pure love”, some say. Most mothers admit that their child makes their life better. Life with a child seems to be more peaceful and full of beauty that you haven’t noticed before.

Dutch researchers conducted a study and found that fetal cells can actually enter the mother’s body and spread during the pregnancy. This process is called microchimerism. There are cells (from the baby) with a completely different genetic make-up found within the mother’s body.

This was proven true when samples were taken from 26 different women, all pregnant with boys, and all were found to have the presence of the Y chromosomes in them. This is proof that you will never be the same after giving birth because you will always carry a part of your child with you from there out.

Watch the CBS News report in the video below to find out more about the changes to a mother's brain.

Do you think that women change after giving birth? Do you think it’s a complete change including mentally or only a change that takes place inside the woman's body? Let us know what your thoughts are in the comments below! Be sure and send this on to all the moms and moms to be!