School Administrators Remix "Hallelujah" For Hilarious Snow Day Announcement.

by apost team

January of 2010 saw many historic temperature lows in many parts of the United States and Canada.

The temperatures are courtesy of a polar vortex. Some parts of the Midwest experienced temperatures as low as 56 degrees Fahrenheit. To put it all in perspective, it was colder in Chicago, Illinois than in some parts of the Arctic Circle.

The dangerous temperatures in the Midwest caused many schools and businesses to close down. In the town of Swartz Creek, Michigan, the temperature was two degrees below zero on January 29. The officials for the school district decided to cancel classes for the day.

Ben Mainka, school superintendent and Principal Jim Kitchen informed students and their families of the closures with a Youtube video. Not long after the video was started it was announced by the two administrators this would be anything but the ordinary school closure video.

The typical announcements the two men spoke of were the ones where a teacher or principal gives a parody of a well-known song to announce a school closure. These administrators were sure to make it known that this type of activity is beneath them.

Mainka stated he would not add his name to the list of school officials who put on sunglasses and try to be cool while singing a ridiculous song. Principal Kitchen declared he would not embarrass himself for an announcement of a snow day.

But then the two men became possessed. The sunglasses were on their faces and the singing began. It turns out the two men could really sing.

Their voices were in perfect harmony as they sang a parody of 'Halleluja.' The words of the song were altered to instruct children and their families to remain at home until the danger was over.

The song was finished with an offered bribe from the principal to the superintendent of a cookie in exchange for another day off.

The principal then told the kids how much he missed them. The video of the men's performance is available for you to enjoy over and over again.

What did you think about the song performed by Superintendent Mainka and Principal Kitchen? Were you caught off guard when the two men suddenly began to sing? Send the video of the men's performance to the people on your friend's list. It is sure to brighten your day.